Cancer senescence classifier

To ensure the classifier is as accurate as possible, it is best to quantify the gene expression values in the same way as was done for the training samples, as follows:

1) We used GENCODE v34 as reference transcriptome, with some filtering as described in the Methods section of the paper. The resulting reference transcriptome can be downloaded here:


2) Quantify transcript abundance with kallisto.
The index can be constructed like this:

kallisto index -i kallisto_index gencode.v34.transcripts.selected.fa

and the transcripts in a sample can be quantified for instance like this:

kallisto quant -i /path/to/kallisto_index --single -l 200 -s 20 --rf-stranded sample.fastq

or with paired-end or unstranded settings as needed. Please refer to the kallisto manual for details.

3) Sum the estimated transcript abundance to the gene level; a script to summarize to the gene level and construct a table from multiple samples is provided here. The resulting table can be uploaded as input to the classifier.

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